爱尔兰的 Bealtaine 火节以篝火、音乐和文化表演庆祝夏天的回归。 Bealtaine Fire Festival in Ireland celebrated summer return with bonfires, music, and cultural performances.
爱尔兰的贝尔坦火节以盛大的庆祝活动标志着夏季的回归,包括篝火、音乐和文化表演。 The Bealtaine Fire Festival in Ireland marked the return of summer with a grand celebration, featuring bonfires, music, and cultural performances. 数千人参加了此次活动,彰显了爱尔兰丰富的文化遗产,并为参加者带来了欢乐和兴奋。 Thousands attended the event, which highlighted Ireland's rich cultural heritage and brought joy and excitement to the participants. 该节日的组织者对公众的支持表示感谢,并强调了保护这些传统的重要性。 The festival's organizers expressed gratitude for the public's support, emphasizing the importance of preserving such traditions.