耶鲁大学皮博迪博物馆重新开放伯克厅,展出恐龙化石足迹。 Yale's Peabody Museum reopens Burke Hall, featuring dinosaur fossil tracks.
耶鲁大学的皮博迪博物馆重点展示恐龙时代,其中的特色是最近重新开放的伯克大厅,其中有雷龙和三角龙等恐龙明星,还包括鲁道夫·扎林格的壁画。 Yale's Peabody Museum highlights the Age of Dinosaurs, featuring recently reopened Burke Hall with dinosaur stars such as brontosaurus and triceratops, including Rudolph Zallinger's mural. 博物馆展示了位于现在的康涅狄格州的一小块超大陆盘古大陆上的恐龙化石足迹。 The museum showcases dinosaur fossil tracks in what was once a small patch of supercontinent Pangea in present-day Connecticut. 由于地球板块运动,构成盘古大陆的陆地随着时间的推移而发生了变化。 The landmasses that comprise Pangea have shifted over time due to the Earth's tectonic plate movement.