议员提议征收新的音乐会门票税并暂时削减增值税,以支持陷入困境的当地音乐场所。 MPs propose a new concert ticket levy and temporary VAT cut to support struggling local music venues.
议员建议对竞技场和体育场音乐会征收新的门票税,以支持陷入困境的当地音乐场所,并呼吁暂时削减增值税。 MPs recommend a new ticket levy on arena and stadium concerts to support struggling local music venues, and call for a temporary cut in VAT. 文化、媒体和体育委员会的报告认为这是帮助基层场馆的一种方式,此前音乐场馆信托基金表示,该行业正面临“重创”。 The Culture, Media and Sport Committee's report suggests this as a way to help grassroots venues, following the Music Venue Trust's statement that the sector has been facing a "battering". 委员会还建议对现场音乐和电子音乐进行全面审查,以应对现场音乐生态系统中的长期挑战。 The Committee also recommends a comprehensive review of live and electronic music to address long-term challenges in the live music ecosystem.