在巴西南部,一场灾难性的天气事件导致 100 多人死亡,200 万人流离失所,尽管社交媒体上的阴谋论将此次灾难归咎于美国的高频主动极光研究项目 (HAARP) 和喷气蒸汽尾迹,但该事件被认为与气候变化有关。 In Southern Brazil, a catastrophic weather event with over 100 deaths and displacing 2 million people is linked to climate change, despite social media conspiracy theories blaming US project HAARP and jet vapor trails.
巴西南部的灾难性天气事件导致一百多人死亡,近两百万人流离失所,这在社交媒体上引发了各种阴谋论,其中包括将责任归咎于美国的高频主动极光研究项目 (HAARP) 和喷气蒸汽尾迹。 Southern Brazil's catastrophic weather event, resulting in over a hundred deaths and displacing nearly two million people, has sparked conspiracy theories on social media, including blaming the US project HAARP and jet vapor trails. 然而,这些理论与科学界的共识相矛盾,即气候变化是导致极端天气事件增多的原因,专家将灾难归咎于包括全球变暖在内的多种因素。 However, these theories contradict the scientific consensus that climate change is responsible for increased extreme weather events, with experts attributing the disaster to a combination of factors, including global warming.