60%的欧洲人计划参加六月份的欧洲选举投票。 60% of Europeans plan to vote in June's European elections.
60%的欧洲人计划参加6月份即将举行的欧洲议会选举投票,较上次选举增加了10%。 60% of Europeans plan to vote in the upcoming European elections in June, an increase of 10% from the last election. 贝塔斯曼基金会的“欧盟意见”民意调查显示,75%的欧洲选民通过名字和外表认可欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩,这让她比她的前任们更为知名。 The "eupinions" survey by Bertelsmann Stiftung shows that 75% of the European electorate recognize Commission President Ursula von der Leyen by name and appearance, making her more well-known than her predecessors. 然而,70%的受访者认为他们对她的工作了解不够。 However, 70% of those surveyed feel they are insufficiently informed about her work. 这项调查的题目是“冯德莱恩效应:高知名度,低问责制”。 The survey is titled "The Von der Leyen Effect: High visibility, low accountability."