根据 Pollara 的研究,2021 年加拿大人的愤怒程度因经济和政府问题而上升。 2021 Canadian rage levels rise due to economy and government issues, per Pollara research.
在过去两年中,Pollara研究机构发现加拿大人的愤怒程度有所增加。 In the past two years, the Pollara research agency has found that Canadian rage levels have increased. 根据最新调查结果,经济以及省级和联邦政府是加拿大人愤怒的主要根源。 According to their latest results, the economy and both provincial and federal governments are the main sources of Canadians' anger. 政治礼仪的下降也被认为是造成这一现象的一个因素。 The decline in political decorum is also suggested as a contributing factor.