特里普拉邦高等法院作出裁决,《支付退休金法案》所涵盖的托儿所工人具有追溯效力,受益者将达到 10,000 名工人。 Tripura High Court rules Anganwadi workers covered under Payment of Gratuity Act with retrospective effect, benefiting 10,000 workers.
特里普拉邦高等法院裁定,该邦的托儿所工作人员必须受到 1972 年《退休金支付法案》的保护,且该法案具有追溯效力。 Tripura High Court rules that Anganwadi workers in the state must be covered under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, with retrospective effect. 该决定根据最高法院对古吉拉特邦类似案件的判决,惠及约 10,000 名 Anganwadi 工人和助手。 This decision, based on a Supreme Court judgement related to a similar case in Gujarat, benefits approximately 10,000 Anganwadi workers and helpers. 法院撤销了先前拒绝支付退休金的部门命令,并命令在退休后 30 天内支付退休金,如果延迟支付还要支付利息。 The court quashed a previous departmental order denying gratuity benefits and orders the amount to be paid within 30 days of retirement with interest if delayed.