众议院小企业委员会就使用纳税人资金的指控发出传票。 House Small Business Committee subpoenas over allegations of using taxpayer funds.
众议院小企业委员会向两名拜登政府官员发出传票,指控小企业管理局(SBA)利用纳税人的资源支持拜登总统在关键战场州密歇根州的连任竞选。 House Committee on Small Business issues subpoenas to two Biden administration officials over allegations that the Small Business Administration (SBA) is using taxpayer resources to support President Biden's re-election campaign in key battleground state Michigan. 小企业管理局办公厅主任亚瑟·普莱斯 (Arthur Plews) 和特别顾问泰勒·罗宾逊 (Tyler Robinson) 因未能提供与据称将小企业资源转移到选民登记工作的计划相关的文件而被传唤。 SBA chief of staff Arthur Plews and special adviser Tyler Robinson were subpoenaed for failing to provide documents related to a program that allegedly diverts resources from small businesses to voter registration efforts. 这是该委员会首次向 SBA 发出传票。 This marks the first time the committee has subpoenaed the SBA.