孟买高等法院命令马哈拉施特拉邦政府为所有监狱的电子穆拉卡特 (e-Mulakat) 系统提供必要的基础设施。 Bombay High Court orders Maharashtra govt to provide necessary infrastructure for e-Mulakat system in all prisons.
孟买高等法院命令马哈拉施特拉邦政府为 e-Mulakat 系统提供必要的基础设施,以便全邦囚犯的律师和家属能够进行虚拟探访。 Bombay High Court orders Maharashtra govt to provide necessary infrastructure for the e-Mulakat system, enabling virtual visits by lawyers and families for prisoners across the state. 法院的裁决是在政府发布决议为囚犯提供电子穆拉卡特 (e-Mulakaats) 和智能卡呼叫设施之后做出的。 The court's decision follows the government's issuance of a resolution providing for e-Mulakaats and smart card calling facilities for prisoners. 马哈拉施特拉邦政府已被指示在全邦所有监狱实施这些规定,确保有足够的基础设施。 The Maharashtra govt has been directed to implement these provisions in all prisons throughout the state, ensuring adequate infrastructure is in place.