加密货币交易所 FTX 拥有 163 亿美元现金来弥补客户损失并偿还债权人。 Cryptocurrency exchange FTX has $16.3bn cash to cover customer losses and pay creditors.
加密货币交易所 FTX 在 2022 年 11 月倒闭期间积累了数十亿美元的资金,足以弥补其客户损失。 Cryptocurrency exchange FTX has accumulated billions more than required to cover its customers' losses during its November 2022 collapse. 该公司目前拥有约 163 亿美元现金,足以偿还所有非政府债权人并向其 200 多万客户提供利息。 The company now has around $16.3bn in cash, which is enough to pay back all its non-governmental creditors and provide interest to its over 2 million customers. 这种结果很少见,因为在美国破产案中债权人通常只能获得极少的收益。 This outcome is rare, as creditors typically only receive pennies on the dollar in US bankruptcies.