印度最高法院呼吁积极的司法作用、有意义的交叉质询以及非政治性的检察官任命。 Supreme Court of India urges active judicial role, meaningful cross-examination, and non-political prosecutor appointments.
印度最高法院强调,法院不应充当“单纯的录音机”,而应在审判中发挥参与作用。 The Supreme Court of India has emphasized that courts should not act as "mere tape recorders" and should take a participatory role in trials. 法院强调了检察官进行有意义的交叉询问的重要性,并呼吁法官监督诉讼程序,以确保查明真相。 The court has highlighted the importance of meaningful cross-examination by public prosecutors, and called for judges to monitor proceedings to ensure the truth is reached. 法院还强调,任命检察官等问题不应有政治考虑。 The court also stressed that there should be no political consideration in matters like appointing public prosecutors.