澳大利亚税务局的目标是打击不诚信房东提出的夸大的出租物业修缮索赔。 Australian Tax Office targets inflated rental property repair claims of dodgy landlords.
澳大利亚税务局 (ATO) 正在打击那些对出租房产的维修和维护费用提出虚高要求的不诚信房东。 The Australian Tax Office (ATO) is targeting dodgy landlords making inflated claims for repairs and maintenance on their rental properties. ATO 分析发现,十分之九的房东的所得税申报表有误。 ATO analysis found nine out of ten landlords are getting their income tax returns wrong. 助理专员罗布·汤姆森 (Rob Thomson) 表示,他们正在密切关注这些索赔,特别是那些可能被夸大以抵消税收增加的索赔。 Assistant Commissioner Rob Thomson stated that they are keeping a close eye on these claims, particularly those that may have been inflated to offset tax increases.