一名 17 岁少年因在温莎西区的便利店使用攻击性武器抢劫而被指控。 17-year-old charged with robbery with an offensive weapon in west end Windsor convenience store.
17 岁少年因西区持械抢劫被起诉:温莎警方报告称,一名少年被捕并被指控因涉嫌进入该市西区的一家便利店、挥舞枪支并索要钱财而犯有攻击性武器抢劫罪。 17-year-old charged in west end armed robbery: Windsor police report that a teen was arrested and charged with robbery with an offensive weapon after allegedly entering a convenience store in the city's west end, brandishing a firearm, and demanding money. 该商店员工拒绝了,犯罪嫌疑人徒步逃离。 The store employee refused, and the suspect fled on foot. 没有造成任何身体伤害。 No physical injuries were sustained. 嫌疑人的身份受到《青少年刑事司法法》的保护。 The suspect's identity is protected under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.