加拿大航空暂停实施新的座位选择费。 Air Canada paused implementation of new seat selection fee.
加拿大航空最初计划向航班起飞前 24 小时内选择座位的乘客收取费用,但目前尚未实施新的座位选择费。 Air Canada has not implemented its new seat selection fee after initially planning to charge passengers for choosing their seats within 24 hours of their flight. 该航空公司表示,这些费用将与其品牌票价以及其他加拿大航空公司的政策一致,但后来因“运营原因”暂停实施。 The airline stated the fees would be consistent with its branded fares and like other Canadian carriers' policies, but has since paused its implementation for "operational reasons." 该航空公司尚未提供进一步的最新消息。 The airline has provided no further updates.