5 月 2 日,一辆油罐车与其他车辆发生碰撞,导致康涅狄格州诺沃克市 95 号州际公路关闭,所幸没有重大人员伤亡报告。 On May 2, a fiery crash involving a petroleum tanker and other vehicles closed Interstate 95 in Norwalk, CT, with no major injuries reported.
5 月 2 日,康涅狄格州诺沃克市 95 号州际公路上发生一起火灾,导致公路两侧封闭,据官员报告,没有重大人员伤亡。 A fiery crash on Interstate 95 in Norwalk, Connecticut closed both sides of the highway on May 2, with officials reporting no major injuries. 事故涉及一辆油罐车和其他车辆,导致费尔菲尔德大道立交桥下发生火灾。 The crash involved a petroleum tanker and other vehicles, igniting a fire under the Fairfield Avenue overpass. 15 号出口的南北方向车道将持续关闭一段时间,建议乘客寻找替代路线。 Both northbound and southbound lanes at Exit 15 remain closed for an extended period, with commuters advised to find alternate routes.