乡村歌手帕克·麦科勒姆发布了一部音乐视频《我从未告诉过你的事情》,献给他的母亲,其中包含个人剪辑和图像。 Country singer Parker McCollum releases a music video, "Things I Never Told You," dedicated to his mother, featuring personal clips and images.
乡村歌手帕克·麦科勒姆发布了他的歌曲《我从未告诉过你的事》的音乐视频,献给他的母亲。 Country singer Parker McCollum has released a music video for his song "Things I Never Told You," dedicated to his mother. 视频中不仅有表演片段,还有帕克和他妈妈多年来的温馨照片和剪辑,包括他们在他结婚当天一起跳舞的片段。 The video features not only performance footage but also heartfelt photos and clips of Parker and his mom throughout the years, including them dancing together on his wedding day. 虽然这首歌不是麦科勒姆创作的,但这首歌引起了他的共鸣,并让他想起了自己的母亲。 Though McCollum didn't write the song, it resonated with him and reminded him of his own mother.