5 月 1 日,海军中将克里希纳·斯瓦米纳坦被任命为印度海军副司令。 Vice Admiral Krishna Swaminathan appointed as Vice Chief of the Indian Navy on May 1st.
通信和电子战专家、海军中将克里希纳·斯瓦米纳坦于 5 月 1 日出任印度海军副司令。 Vice Admiral Krishna Swaminathan, a specialist in communication and electronic warfare, became the Vice Chief of the Indian Navy on May 1st. 在其职业生涯中,他曾担任过关键的作战、参谋和培训职务,包括指挥导弹艇、轻型护卫舰、驱逐舰和航空母舰维克拉玛蒂亚号。 He has held key operational, staff, and training roles throughout his career, including commanding missile vessels, corvettes, destroyers, and aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya. 斯瓦米纳坦拥有多个著名学府的学位,包括孟买大学的国际研究博士学位。 Swaminathan holds multiple degrees from prestigious institutions, including a PhD in International Studies from Mumbai University.