2019:塞拉利昂总统因强奸事件宣布国家进入紧急状态,BBC 调查幸存者的正义。 2019: Sierra Leone's President declares national emergency over rape, BBC investigates justice for survivors.
2019 年,塞拉利昂总统因强奸和性暴力问题宣布国家进入紧急状态。 In 2019, Sierra Leone's President declared a national emergency over rape and sexual violence. 五年后,BBC 非洲之眼调查幸存者是否得到了公正的对待。 Five years later, BBC Africa Eye investigates if survivors are getting justice. 受害者安妮塔将她 3 岁的女儿留给了雇主的儿子,随后发现她的女儿正在流血。 Anita, a victim, found her 3-year-old daughter bleeding after being left with her employer's son. 尽管国家处于紧急状态,但幸存者的情况仍然不明朗。 Despite the national emergency, the situation for survivors remains unclear.