研究表明适量饮酒不利于心脏健康,各国调整了酒精消费指南,因为它与 200 多种健康状况有关。 Research reveals moderate drinking doesn't benefit heart health, and countries adjust alcohol consumption guidelines as it links to over 200 health conditions.
少喝酒或者不喝酒是改善健康的途径。 Less alcohol, or none at all, is a path to better health. 新的研究方法表明,适量饮酒并不像以前认为的那样有益于心脏健康。 New research methods have shown moderate drinking doesn't benefit heart health as previously thought. 英国、法国、丹麦、荷兰和澳大利亚等国家都调整了酒精消费建议,而爱尔兰则要求从2026年起在酒精饮料上加贴癌症警告标签。 Countries like the UK, France, Denmark, Holland, and Australia have adjusted their alcohol consumption recommendations, while Ireland will require cancer warning labels on alcohol from 2026. 目前科学界已达成共识,认为酒精与 200 多种健康状况有关,包括癌症、心血管疾病和伤害。 The scientific consensus now links alcohol to over 200 health conditions, including cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and injuries.