财政司司长陈茂波预计香港一季度经济增长2.5-3.5%,全年GDP将在预测范围内。 1Q Hong Kong economy estimated to grow 2.5-3.5% by Finance Chief Paul Chan, with GDP to be within full-year forecast range.
香港特区财政司司长陈茂波表示,预计第一季度香港经济将增长2.5%至3.5%,连续第五个季度保持温和增长趋势。 Hong Kong's economy is expected to grow between 2.5% and 3.5% in the first quarter, maintaining a moderate growth trend for the fifth consecutive quarter, according to the city's finance chief, Paul Chan. 定于周四发布的1-3月国内生产总值预计将在全年经济增长预测范围内。 The January-March GDP, scheduled for release on Thursday, is anticipated to be within the range of the full-year economic growth forecast. 陈茂波还宣布了举办烟花表演等大型活动的计划,以吸引更多游客并刺激当地消费。 Chan has also announced plans for mega events, such as fireworks displays, to attract more tourists and stimulate local spending.