1 人受伤,查谟和克什米尔发生 2 起枪击事件,不明身份枪手袭击一家糖果店,“阿布·贾特”声称对此负责,调查仍在进行中。 1 person injured, 2 shootings in Jammu and Kashmir, unidentified gunmen attack a sweet shop, 'Abbu Jatt' claims responsibility, investigation ongoing.
在查谟和克什米尔地区,乌达姆普尔的帕纳拉村发生枪击事件,造成一人受伤,不明身份的枪手向米兰萨希布地区的一家糖果店开火。 In Jammu and Kashmir, one person was injured in a shooting incident in Udhampur's Panara Village, and unidentified gunmen opened fire at a sweet shop in Miran Sahib area. 一个名为“Abbu Jatt”的社交媒体账户声称对后一次袭击负责。 A social media account named 'Abbu Jatt' claimed responsibility for the latter attack. 此前,一名来自比哈尔邦的农民工最近在安纳特纳格区被杀,凸显了该地区持续存在的安全挑战。 This follows a recent killing of a migrant worker from Bihar in Anantnag district, highlighting the ongoing security challenges in the region. 当局正在继续调查并搜寻责任人。 Authorities continue to investigate and search for those responsible.