自 2009 年出现第一例确诊病例以来,西弗吉尼亚州 30 个县的 152 人可能接触过麻疹。 152 people in 30 West Virginia counties potentially exposed to measles after first confirmed case since 2009.
自 2009 年以来,西弗吉尼亚州出现首例确诊病例,全州 30 个县的 152 人可能接触过麻疹病毒。 152 people across 30 West Virginia counties were potentially exposed to measles following the state's first confirmed case since 2009. 该患者是一名未接种疫苗的成年人,曾出国旅行,出现症状并在门诊就诊。 The patient, an unvaccinated adult who had traveled internationally, developed symptoms and sought treatment at an outpatient clinic. 州卫生官员正在监测情况,并强烈建议那些接触过麻疹且没有证据表明对麻疹有免疫力的人员隔离至 5 月 9 日或 10 日,具体取决于他们最后一次接触的日期。 State health officials are monitoring the situation and strongly recommend those exposed individuals with no evidence of immunity against measles quarantine until May 9 or 10, depending on their last date of exposure.