由于关键证人不愿再次作证,专家对哈维·韦恩斯坦案在纽约重新受审的可能性提出质疑。 Experts question the likelihood of Harvey Weinstein's New York retrial due to a key witness's reluctance to testify again.
专家认为,哈维·韦恩斯坦一案不太可能很快在纽约重新审判,甚至根本不可能,因为两名关键证人之一对再次作证表示怀疑。 Experts believe Harvey Weinstein's retrial in New York is unlikely to happen soon, or possibly at all, as one of two key witnesses expresses doubt about testifying again. 法律专家对这位声名狼藉的好莱坞大亨是否能尽快接受重新审判表示怀疑。 Legal experts cast doubt on the imminence of a new trial for the disgraced Hollywood mogul.