喀拉拉邦高等法院驳回了对印度人民党特里凡得琅候选人涉嫌虚假宣誓书提出质疑的诉讼。 Kerala High Court rejected a PIL challenging BJP's Thiruvananthapuram candidate's alleged false affidavit.
喀拉拉邦高等法院驳回了一项公益诉讼 (PIL),该诉讼质疑选举委员会决定不对一项投诉采取行动,该投诉指控印度人民党在特里凡得琅的人民院候选人拉吉夫·钱德拉塞卡 (Rajeev Chandrasekhar) 在获得提名的同时提交了一份关于其收入的虚假宣誓书。 The Kerala High Court rejected a public interest litigation (PIL) challenging the Election Commission's decision not to act on a complaint alleging that BJP's Thiruvananthapuram Lok Sabha candidate, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, filed a false affidavit about his income along with his nomination. 法院裁定,由于选举过程已经开始,现阶段无法受理该请愿,因此无法发布命令。 The court ruled that it could not entertain the petition at this stage, as the election process had already begun, and an order could not be issued. 请愿书指控,钱德拉塞卡没有申报多项资产,包括房产、豪华汽车和私人飞机,也没有按照印度选举委员会的要求申报公司的实际账面价值。 The petition alleged that Chandrasekhar had omitted to declare several assets, including properties, luxury cars, and private jets, and had failed to declare the real book value of companies as required by the Election Commission of India.