根据美国国务院的年度报告,2023 年加沙冲突加剧了以色列的人权状况。 2023 Gaza conflict worsened Israel's human rights situation, per State Department's annual report.
美国国务院年度人权报告指出,加沙冲突导致以色列的人权状况进一步恶化。 The Gaza conflict has worsened the human rights situation in Israel, according to the State Department's annual human rights report. 报告列举了以色列国防军、哈马斯武装分子和巴勒斯坦权力机构在 2023 年犯下的多起侵犯人权行为。 The report cited several human rights violations committed by the Israel Defense Forces, Hamas militants, and the Palestinian Authority in 2023. 报告指出,由此引发的以色列与哈马斯在加沙地带的冲突对以色列的人权状况产生了“重大负面影响”。 The resulting conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip has had a "significant negative impact" on the human rights status in Israel, the report said. 美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯表示,美国正在继续评估有关以色列军队在加沙实施暴力行为的指控,美国在适用人权法时并不实行双重标准。 Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that the US is continuing to assess allegations of abuse by Israeli forces in Gaza, and the US does not have a double standard when applying human rights laws.