前《国家调查报》出版商戴维·佩克作证说他帮助了特朗普和科恩。 Former National Enquirer publisher David Pecker testifies that he helped Trump and Cohen.
前《国家调查报》出版商戴维·佩克在唐纳德·特朗普封口费案审判中作证,称他在 2016 年竞选期间帮助特朗普及其律师迈克尔·科恩使用“捕杀”策略购买和压制有关特朗普的负面报道。 Former National Enquirer publisher David Pecker testifies in the hush money trial of Donald Trump, stating he helped Trump and his lawyer, Michael Cohen, use a "catch-and-kill" strategy to buy and suppress negative stories about Trump during the 2016 campaign. 检察官还试图以特朗普涉嫌违反针对该案证人的禁言令为由,指控其藐视法庭。 Prosecutors also seek to hold Trump in contempt for allegedly violating a gag order regarding witnesses in the case.