4月23日,来自北非的沙尘云笼罩雅典,天空变成橙色。 On April 23, dust clouds from North Africa engulfed Athens, turning the skies orange.
4 月 23 日,来自北非的尘云吹过地中海,吞没了包括雅典卫城在内的希腊首都雅典地标建筑,令雅典感受到一种诡异的类似火星的气氛。 Greece's capital, Athens, experienced an eerie Martian-like atmosphere on April 23, as dust clouds from North Africa blew across the Mediterranean Sea, engulfing the city's landmarks, including the Acropolis. 强劲的南风吹来撒哈拉沙漠的尘埃,导致天空变成橙色。 Strong southerly winds carried dust from the Sahara Desert, causing the skies to turn an orange hue. 预计周三随着风向转变和尘埃移开以及气温下降,天空将放晴。 The skies are predicted to clear on Wednesday as winds shift and move the dust, along with a drop in temperatures.