拥有 Ducommun Inc. 9.2% 股份的 Albion River LLC 拒绝了 Albion 提出的 8.78 亿美元的收购要约。 Albion River LLC, owning 9.2% of Ducommun Inc. shares, rejected the $878M buyout bid by Albion.
Albion River LLC 通过附属公司 Ignium LP 拥有 Ducommun Inc. 超过 9.2% 的股份。 Albion River LLC, through affiliate Ignium LP, owns over 9.2% of Ducommun Inc.'s shares. 领先的航空航天和国防公司 Ducommun 拒绝了 Albion 的 8.78 亿美元收购要约。 Ducommun, a leading aerospace and defense company, rejected Albion's $878M buyout bid. 阿尔比恩鼓励管理层公开披露其他报价,并提议将股票薪酬转换为执行价格为 60 美元的期权。 Albion encourages management to publicly disclose other offers and proposes converting stock-based compensation to options at $60 strike price. Albion 计划于 4 月 24 日参加 Ducommun 的年度股东大会。 Albion plans to engage at Ducommun's AGM on April 24th.