由于收益低于标准,雷·达里奥 (Ray Dalio) 的风险平价基金遭遇投资者大批撤资,导致其资产管理规模从 1600 亿美元缩减至 900 亿美元。 Ray Dalio's risk-parity funds experience investor exodus due to sub-par returns, reducing AUM from $160bn to $90bn.
雷·达里奥 (Ray Dalio) 的风险平价基金在连续五年收益低于平均水平后面临投资者外流,其管理资产规模将从 2021 年的 1600 亿美元的峰值降至 2023 年的 900 亿美元。 Ray Dalio's risk-parity funds face investor exodus after five years of sub-par returns, with assets under management falling to $90bn in 2023 from a peak of $160bn in 2021. 该策略由达利欧首创,于 1996 年首次推出,旨在实现多种资产的多元化投资并均衡其波动性。 The strategy, pioneered by Dalio and first launched in 1996, involves diversifying across a range of assets and equalising their volatility. 然而,机构投资者正在撤出资金,理由是该策略自金融危机以来没有取得成功。 However, institutional investors are pulling out their money, citing the strategy's lack of success since the Great Financial Crisis.