都柏林无家可归者服务机构中发现人口贩卖受害者,促使人们呼吁提供专门的住宿和支持。 Human trafficking victims found in Dublin homeless services, prompting calls for specialized accommodation and support.
德保罗和英国慈善机构 The Passage 透露,人口贩卖的受害者住在都柏林的无家可归者住宿服务中,这促使人们呼吁增加专门的住宿和支持。 Depaul and UK-based charity The Passage reveal that human trafficking victims are living in homeless accommodation services in Dublin, prompting calls for increased specialised accommodation and support. 无家可归者组织认识到他们遇到了贩运受害者,但缺乏足够的知识和意识来识别他们。 Homelessness organisations recognise they encounter trafficking victims, but lack adequate knowledge and awareness to identify them. 这些慈善机构建议加强培训,创建在线工具包,并进一步研究人口贩卖和无家可归之间的联系。 The charities recommend improving training, creating an online toolkit, and conducting further research into the link between human trafficking and homelessness.