爱尔兰利默里克一名男子因被警察缴获两支枪支和弹药而受到指控。 A man in Limerick, Ireland is charged following the seizure of two firearms and ammunition by gardaí.
爱尔兰利默里克市一名男子因在城外地区被当地警察部队缴获两支枪支和弹药而受到指控。 A man in Limerick, Ireland has been charged following the seizure of two firearms and ammunition by the local police force, known as gardaí, in an area outside the city. 该人定于周六在恩尼斯地方法院出席特别开庭。 The individual is scheduled to appear before Ennis District Court for a special sitting on Saturday. 关于枪支和该男子涉嫌参与犯罪的具体细节尚未披露。 The precise details regarding the firearms and the man's alleged involvement have not been disclosed.