查尔斯国王的病情促使宫殿酒店重新考虑运营并解决对正常运营和业务的影响。 King Charles' illness leads Palace to reconsider operations and address impact on normalcy and business.
查尔斯国王的病情迫使 Palace 重新考虑运营并解决两个主要问题:多快恢复正常以及疾病如何影响业务。 King Charles' illness forces Palace to rethink operations and address two main questions: how quickly to return to normal and how illness affects business. 尽管存在健康问题,查理国王仍然精神抖擞,朝臣们计划秋季前往澳大利亚旅行。 Despite the health concerns, King Charles is seen steady on his feet, and courtiers plan for an autumn trip to Australia. 查尔斯是一个虔诚的人,不迷信,登基后也没有改名。 Charles, a man of faith, doesn't entertain superstitions and didn't change his name upon ascending the throne.