28 岁的新西兰橄榄球运动员在彭里斯因家庭原因解除合同后重返勇士队。 28-year-old NZ rugby player returns to Warriors after Penrith releases contract for family reasons.
来自新西兰北地的 28 岁橄榄球运动员在彭里斯因人道主义原因解除合同后返回家乡。 28-year-old rugby player from Northland, New Zealand, returns home after Penrith releases his contract on compassionate grounds. 他加盟勇士队,对于俱乐部来说是一个重大举措。 He joins the Warriors, a significant move for the club. 由于家庭原因,这位运动员决定返回新西兰,结束了他在彭里斯的最后两个赛季。 The athlete decided to move back to NZ for family reasons, ending his last two seasons with Penrith. 勇士队尚未透露更多细节,但这一声明让球迷兴奋不已,并为球队即将到来的赛季制造了轰动。 The Warriors have not disclosed further details but the announcement excites fans and creates buzz for the team's upcoming season.