阿比让拆除低收入地区的房屋。 Abidjan demolishes homes in low-income areas.
科特迪瓦最大的城市阿比让因所谓的公共卫生问题正在拆除低收入地区的房屋,导致数千人无家可归。 Ivory Coast's largest city, Abidjan, is demolishing homes in low-income areas due to alleged public health concerns, leaving thousands homeless. 快速的城市化导致阿比让人口激增和住房短缺,近五分之一的科特迪瓦人居住在这里,其中许多人居住在低收入、拥挤的社区。 Rapid urbanization has led to a population boom and housing shortages in Abidjan, where nearly one in five Ivorians reside, many of them in low-income, crowded communes. 该市曾多次拆除此类地区的房屋,最新一波拆迁导致数千人无家可归。 The city has a history of demolishing homes in such areas, and the latest wave of demolitions has left thousands without shelter and nowhere to go.