比什凯克夏季用水量增加,促使人们考虑使用智能电表并呼吁节约用水。 Bishkek increases summer water consumption, prompting smart meter consideration and urging conservation.
夏季,比什凯克的人均用水量增加到每天 600-700 升,这使得比什凯克水务局考虑在家庭安装智能电表并提高用水标准。 Bishkek's water consumption increases to 600-700 liters per day per person during summer, causing Bishkekvodokanal to consider installing smart meters in homes and raising water consumption norms. 主任 Chyngyz Jumaliev 强调,缺乏水表是一个问题,目前只有 2.5% 的私人家庭配备了水表。 Director Chyngyz Jumaliev highlights the absence of water meters as a problem, with only 2.5% of private homes currently equipped. 市议会还敦促居民节约用水并采取负责任的消费习惯。 The city council is also urging residents to save water and adopt responsible consumption practices.