游骑兵队中锋菲利普·奇蒂尔在脑震荡康复后恢复训练,增加了进入季后赛的机会。 Rangers' center Filip Chytil returns to practice after recovering from concussions, boosting playoff chances.
纽约游骑兵队中锋菲利普·奇蒂尔在从上肢受伤和多次脑震荡中恢复后已恢复训练,他的得分能力有可能提升球队进入季后赛的机会。 New York Rangers' center Filip Chytil has returned to practice after recovering from an upper-body injury and multiple concussions, potentially boosting the team's playoff chances with his scoring abilities. 职业生涯已在季后赛中攻入 8 球的奇蒂尔可能不会参加剩下的常规赛,但他的回归将为游骑兵队备战季后赛提供士气上的鼓舞。 Chytil, who has eight career playoff goals, may not play in the remaining regular season games, but his return to practice is a morale boost for the Rangers as they prepare for the postseason.