克什米尔潘迪特组织 AIKHF 与查谟的国大党合并,新增数百名成员。 Kashmiri Pandit outfit AIKHF merges with Congress in Jammu, joining hundreds of members.
克什米尔潘迪特组织全印克什米尔印度教论坛与查谟的国大党合并。 Kashmiri Pandit outfit All India Kashmiri Hindu Forum merges with Congress in Jammu. 全印度印度爱国阵线 (AIKHF) 成立于 1998 年,在查谟和克什米尔邦国大党委员会主席维卡尔·拉苏尔·瓦尼 (Vikar Rasool Wani) 的领导下,在该党总部加入了该党。 AIKHF, formed in 1998, joined the party at its headquarters, led by J&K Pradesh Congress Committee president Vikar Rasool Wani. 数百名 AIKHF 成员加入国大党被视为对该党的极大推动。 Hundreds of AIKHF members joining the Congress is seen as a significant boost for the party. 瓦尼呼吁所有克什米尔潘迪特组织加入国大党,并批评人民党领导的政府未能履行对社区的承诺。 Wani called on all Kashmiri Pandit organizations to join the Congress and criticized the BJP-led government for not fulfilling their promises to the community.