都柏林警察在打击有组织犯罪的行动中逮捕了一名 40 多岁的女子,并缴获了 50 万欧元现金及相关物品。 Dublin Gardaí arrest woman in her 40s, seize €500k cash and related items in organised crime operation.
都柏林警察在一次针对严重有组织犯罪的行动中逮捕了一名 40 多岁的女子,并缴获了约 50 万欧元现金、一台真空包装机以及一些文件。 Gardaí in Dublin arrested a woman in her 40s and seized approximately €500,000 in cash, a vacuum packing machine, and documents during an operation targeting serious and organised crime. 该女子在都柏林 2 区被捕,助理专员贾斯汀·凯利认为此次缴获的现金是对有组织犯罪集团的重大打击,他对爱尔兰国家毒品和有组织犯罪局的工作表示称赞。 The woman was arrested in the Dublin 2 area, and the cash seizure is considered a significant blow to an organised criminal group by Assistant Commissioner Justin Kelly, who praised the work of the Garda National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau.