士兵和民兵袭击刚果民主共和国戈马市的平民。 Soldiers and militia target civilians in Goma city, DR Congo.
东非共同体部署地区部队平息持续的暴力事件之际,士兵和民兵袭击了刚果民主共和国戈马市的平民。 Soldiers and militia target civilians in DR Congo's Goma city, as the East African Community deploys a regional force to quell the ongoing violence. 平民面临抢劫和性暴力造成的死亡,社交媒体上每天都会出现尸体和伤员的消息。 Civilians face death tolls from pillaging and sexual violence, with corpses and wounded appearing daily on social media. 在被包围的北基伍省首府,一百万居民与一百万流离失所者一起住在临时营地里。 In the encircled North Kivu province capital, a million residents live alongside a million displaced people in temporary camps.