学校秘书努力应对霸道的家长分享敏感信息。 School secretary struggles with overbearing parents sharing sensitive information.
学校秘书要与专横的家长斗争,这些家长会分享孩子的健康、家庭问题、虐待、忽视和行为等个人信息。 School secretary struggles with overbearing parents, who share personal details about their children's health, family issues, abuse, neglect, and behavior. 敏感的秘书将家长转介给合适的学校工作人员,但寻求一种礼貌的方式“切断他们”而不显得麻木不仁。 Sensitive Secretary refers parents to appropriate school staff but seeks a polite way to "cut them off" without seeming insensitive. 建议:向当地政府报告疑似虐待行为,并礼貌地引导父母获取正确的资源。 Advice: Report suspected abuse to local authorities, and politely guide parents to the right resources.