圣地亚哥县监事会一致批准免除受冬季风暴和洪水影响的居民的文件费。 San Diego County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved waiving document fees for residents affected by winter storms and flooding.
圣地亚哥县监事会一致批准免除受一月份冬季风暴和洪水影响的居民的文件费。 San Diego County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved waiving document fees for residents impacted by January's winter storms and flooding. 该豁免由主管安德森和瓦尔加斯提出,适用于家庭获得救济资金和服务所需的财产相关记录。 Proposed by Supervisors Anderson and Vargas, the waiver applies to property-related records necessary for families to qualify for relief funds and services. 此前,该县已做出多项努力,如投入 1000 万美元进行恢复、暂停驱逐以及重建受损建筑物。 This follows previous county efforts such as $10m for recovery, an eviction moratorium, and a resolution to rebuild damaged buildings.