威斯康星州律师协会在针对种族实习的诉讼和解中改变了“多样性”的定义。 Wisconsin State Bar changes "diversity" definition in lawsuit settlement over race-based internships.
威斯康星州律师协会同意在与一家保守派律师事务所的诉讼和解中改变“多样性”的定义,该律师事务所质疑其实习项目中的种族选拔。 Wisconsin's State Bar agrees to change the definition of "diversity" in a lawsuit settlement with a conservative law firm challenging its internship program's race-based selection. 根据新的定义,州律师协会的多元化书记员项目将继续保持不变。 The State Bar's Diversity Clerkship Program will continue unchanged under the new definition. 保守派律师事务所威斯康星州法律与自由研究所认为这项和解是一项胜利,并表示州律师协会会费将不再用于资助基于种族的实习。 The conservative law firm, Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, considers the settlement a victory, stating that State Bar dues will no longer fund race-based internships.