韩国艺人IU的经纪公司EDAM娱乐就门票交易风波道歉,并提出改革措施,旨在对受到影响的粉丝进行补偿。 South Korean artist IU's agency, EDAM Entertainment, apologizes for a ticket trading controversy, introduces reforms, and aims to compensate affected fans.
韩国艺人IU的经纪公司EDAM娱乐就其演唱会期间发生的门票交易风波道歉,并提出整改措施以防止类似事件发生。 South Korean artist IU's agency, EDAM Entertainment, has apologized for a ticket trading controversy during her concert and introduced reforms to prevent similar incidents. 目前,该机构已废除非法票务交易的悬赏政策,改善了验证流程,并修改了官方粉丝俱乐部的永久驱逐政策。 The agency has abolished the reward policy on illicit ticket trading, improved verification processes, and revised the permanent expulsion policy in the official fan club. EDAM Entertainment 旨在对受到影响的粉丝进行补偿,并根据粉丝的意见和建议不断改进。 EDAM Entertainment aims to compensate affected fans and continuously improve based on fan opinions and suggestions.