克拉克斯维尔泰勒敦路与麦克莱恩大道交汇处发生的一起人员伤亡事故导致道路封闭、交通拥堵。 Injury crash on Clarksville's Tylertown Road at McClain Drive led to road closure and traffic delays.
克拉克斯维尔泰勒敦路与麦克莱恩大道交汇处发生的一起人员伤亡事故导致道路封闭、交通拥堵。 Injury crash on Clarksville's Tylertown Road at McClain Drive has resulted in road closure and traffic delays. 事故导致一辆汽车翻倒,多人受轻伤,造成了重大交通隐患,泰勒敦路被迫关闭。 The crash, involving an overturned vehicle and minor injuries, caused a major traffic hazard and required Tylertown Road to be shut down. 目前该道路已经重新开放,但交通可能需要一些时间才能恢复正常,克拉克斯维尔警察局建议市民做好延误的准备。 The road has since been reopened, but traffic may take time to return to normal, and the Clarksville Police Department advises citizens to be prepared for delays.