针对男性膀胱排空障碍的 12 周应用程序治疗试验显示出显著改善,效果优于药物治疗,且无副作用。 12-week app-based therapy trial for bladder emptying disorders in men shows significant improvements, outperforming medical therapy with no side effects.
基于应用程序的男性膀胱排空障碍治疗,结合盆底锻炼和行为疗法,在膀胱排空障碍治疗 (BEST) 试验中显示出下尿路症状的显著改善。 App-based therapy for bladder emptying disorders in men, combining pelvic floor exercises with behavioral therapy, has shown significant improvements in lower urinary tract symptoms in the Bladder Emptying Disorder Therapy (BEST) Trial. 这是首个针对轻度、中度和重度病例的随机对照研究,基于应用程序的治疗比药物治疗更有效,并且没有副作用。 The first randomized controlled study for mild, moderate, and severe cases, the app-based therapy was more effective than medical therapy and had no side effects. 这项为期 12 周的研究涉及德国 237 名 18 岁以上的男性。 The 12-week study involved 237 men aged over 18 in Germany.