土耳其向加沙运送人道主义援助,包括通过空运和海运运送的 40,000 吨物资,并签署了每日供水协议。 Turkey sends humanitarian aid to Gaza, including 40,000 tons via air and sea, and signs a deal for daily water supply.
土耳其继续向加沙提供人道主义援助,通过13架飞机和8艘船运送了4万吨物资。 Turkey continues to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza, sending 40,000 tons via 13 aircraft and eight ships. 他们计划开斋节后再运送3000吨。 They plan to send another 3,000 tons after Eid al-Fitr. 除了食品和医疗物资外,土耳其还与埃及一家水厂签署了一项长期协议,每天向加沙提供 7 吨饮用水,以应对持续不断的危机,该危机导致了大规模杀伤、流离失所和物资短缺。 In addition to food and medical supplies, Turkey signed a long-term agreement with an Egyptian water factory to supply Gaza with 7 tons of drinking water daily, amid an ongoing crisis that has led to mass destruction, displacement, and shortages.