根据出口民意调查,保守派反对派在波兰地方选举中领先。 Conservative opposition leads in Poland's local elections per exit polls.
波兰周日地方和地区选举后发布的出口民意调查显示,总理唐纳德·图斯克领导的亲欧盟政党落后于执政波兰八年、直至十二月的保守派反对党。 An exit poll released after Poland's local and regional elections Sunday showed Prime Minister Donald Tusk's pro-EU party trailing the conservative opposition party that governed Poland for eight years until December. 但作为图斯克的盟友,持社会自由主义立场的华沙市长却轻松赢得了该首都的连任。 But the socially liberal mayor of Warsaw, a Tusk ally, easily won another term in the capital. 周日的选举是图斯克联合政府执政近四个月以来的首次选举考验。 Sunday's elections were the first electoral test for Tusk's coalition government nearly four months since it took power. 波兰人投票选举市长、地方议员以及全国 16 个地区议会的代表。 Poles voted for mayors, local councilors and representatives to the nation's 16 regional assemblies.