雅培心脏设备 FDA 评审小组中的 10 名医生与该公司有经济关系。 10 doctors on FDA panel for Abbott heart device had financial ties to the company.
据联邦数据库显示,FDA 雅培心脏设备评审小组中的 10 名医生与该公司有经济联系,总计支付和研究资金约 65 万美元。 10 doctors on FDA panel for Abbott heart device had financial ties to the company, totaling about $650,000 in payments and research funding, as reported by a federal database. 尽管存在这些联系,FDA 咨询委员会几乎一致投票认为该设备的好处大于风险,从而批准了雅培的 TriClip 心脏设备。 Despite these connections, the FDA advisory committee voted almost unanimously that the benefits of the device outweigh its risks, leading to the approval of Abbott's TriClip heart device. 这引发了人们对 FDA 的透明度以及医疗行业资金影响力的质疑。 This raises questions about transparency and the influence of medical industry money at the FDA.