阿拉巴马州彩票、赌场立法提交协商委员会审议。 Alabama lottery, casino legislation heads to conference committee.
阿拉巴马州立法者正在就授权州彩票和赌场博彩的立法进行妥协谈判。 Alabama lawmakers are negotiating a compromise on legislation that would authorize a state lottery and casino gambling. 众议院否决了参议院对赌博立法的修改,继续寻求在众议院通过的计划(包括体育博彩和最多 10 家赌场)与缩减的参议院版本(不包括体育博彩并允许更少的赌场)之间找到共同点。 The House of Representatives rejected Senate changes to gambling legislation, moving forward to find common ground between a House-passed plan, which includes sports betting and up to 10 casinos, and a scaled-back Senate version that excludes sports betting and allows fewer casinos. 这一妥协方案需要得到五分之三的立法者和大多数选民的批准。 The compromise will need to be approved by both three-fifths of lawmakers and a majority of voters.