英国铁路网公司计划在五年内投资 28 亿英镑,增强铁路基础设施应对气候变化的能力。 Network Rail plans £2.8bn investment over 5 years to enhance railway infrastructure resilience against climate change.
Network Rail 计划在未来五年内投资 28 亿英镑,以保护铁路基础设施免受气候变化的影响。 Network Rail plans to invest £2.8bn over the next five years to protect railway infrastructure from climate change. 这家政府所有的公司将专注于提高堤坝的抗灾能力,雇用 400 名新的排水工程师,培训员工了解天气预报,并在洪水高风险地区安装闭路电视。 The government-owned company will focus on making embankments more resilient, hiring 400 new drainage engineers, training staff to understand weather forecasts and installing CCTV at high-risk flood areas. 最近发生的堤坝倒塌事件造成了严重破坏,英格兰过去 18 个月经历了创纪录的降雨。 Recent incidents of collapsed embankments have caused major disruption, with England experiencing record rainfall in the past 18 months.